A Fangirl's View

Booklikes version of my regular book blog on blogspot. Don't know how often this one will be used. Depends on how much I like it (and if it's better then blogspot).

Dangerous Creatures Book 1

Dangerous Creatures (Book 1) - Kami Garcia, Margaret Stohl

Author: Kami Garcia and Margeret Stohl

Category: YA

Genre: UF, Witches

Pages: 368

Short Premise: Ridley and Link head to New York and wreak havoc. But they don't mean too...really.


Pros: I love this series, silly as it is.

Ridley and Link were actually my two favorites in the BC series. So much more interesting then Ethan/Lena (who are sweet...just...predictable)

So. Much. Sass. 

Look into the larger world of magic outside of Gaitlin. 

Also more peeks into how the darker side works.


Cons: Still not sure why this was needed, but I'm not complaining TOO loudly. Because my favs are getting their own series.


Verdict: Buy if you loved the Beautiful Creatures series. If you were so/so on it, then check it out of the library. 

Daughter of Smoke and Bone Book 3: Dreams of Gods and Monsters

Dreams of Gods & Monsters - Laini Taylor

Author: Laini Taylor

Published: April 8th, 2014

Category: YA

Genre: Fantasy, Angels/Demons

Pages: 613


Pro: I love this series. So I am extremely biased.

Beautiful writing. Seriously, I love the way Taylor writes.

Great imaginative world. See above.

Complex characters/good amounts of action and romance and plot.


Con: I admit, it does stall at times. But the book is over 600 pages.


Verdict: Buy series. Especially if you love YA fantasy. 

The Rainaldi Quartet  - Paul Adam

I'm going to just stick with quick reviews for this sight. I'll do more thought out reviews on my actual book blog. But here, all you guys will get is pros and cons.


Castiglione and Guastafeste series Book 1: The Rainaldi Quartet by Paul Adam

Published: 2006

Category: Adult

Genre: Detective Mystery

Pages: 320

Quick Premise: Two old friends team up to solve the murder of a friend in their classical music band.


Pros: Likable main characters. A bit dull, but likable.

Well researched music history. For those of us that like this sort of thing ;is guilty;

Fast read.

Not badly written. Not great. But I've read worse.


Cons: Can be dull at times.

So. Many. Info dumps. 

Not really much to set it apart from the thousands of thrillers out there. 


Verdict: Good library read only


Also, bless this site for letting us use half star ratings. Don't need it now, but I'm sure I will in the future.

Currently reading

Isla and the Happily Ever After
Stephanie Perkins
The Kiss of Deception
Mary E. Pearson
City of Heavenly Fire
Cassandra Clare
Grasshopper Jungle
Andrew Smith
A Dance With Dragons
George R.R. Martin